On Friday March 28th we began working with the pile of discarded clothing that we had collected, along with some strings and strips of fabric that had been donated to our project. By the end of the class we had discovered several ways that we could use the fabric in the construction of a cocoon. We will continue next week by braiding and weaving on the framework that we established.
Hi, I'm James from Needham High School. I think the idea of using old clothing to create something new like a cocoon is neat. In my class, we were thinking of using 1400 plastic bottles to represent all the students in our school. Maybe you guys could use a certain amount of strips of fabric to also represent your whole student body. Another idea I have is that you could hide something inside the center of the cocoons. In our class, Denise said before that she had students before hide secrets inside envelopes which were later sealed in wax. Maybe hiding wishes in the cocoons could be similar to a caterpillar being hidden in its cocoon. After waiting long enough, a beautiful butterfly will emerge from its cocoon, just like our hidden wishes emerging from the cocoons and becoming true. I hope your project goes well!
Hi James. We decided to add strips of this synthetic silk material to the inside of our cocoon. On silk, students wrote things they were letting go off, or personal things they wanted to add by stamping individual letters on with ink.
Now, the inside has fuzzy looking pieces of silk within it, almost like the strands of a milkweed, and it looks very intriguing.
oh ps. this isnt denise it's allison on denise's name
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